Tis the season to focus on the action of gift giving and receiving! There are many ways that people share gifts during the holiday season, and as I was talking with those around me about their traditions, I started wondering what might be different ways to look at gift giving and receiving? I came up with a few reflections that I thought I’d share here.
Energetic Gift Giving
If we’ve worked together, or you’ve read my blog’s before, you are familiar with the concepts of Energy Leadership (Energy Leadership; The 7 Level Framework for Mastery in Life and Business, Schneider, Bruce, 2022) that I use. How might that framework apply to the act of giving gifts?
Level 1 – I have so many people to buy gifts for! I don’t even know where to start or what to buy! And…. we wait!
Level 2 – Arg! I have no time to figure this out! I’ll just buy gift cards. We’re just getting it done!
Level 3 – Let’s make the list and check it twice. This will help me get the right thing. I’ll include gift receipts so at least if they don’t like it, they can return it. I’ve done my part – feels good to have it all done!
Level 4 – I want to buy just the right gift. I’m going to spend some time reflecting on who people are. I want them to experience the love and gratitude I have for them through my gift.
Level 5 – What’s the opportunity that I can create with this gift? I’d really like them to experience it all year long!
Level 6 – I shop all year long, and when I see a gift that strikes me as perfect for someone, I get it.
Level 7 – The gift is in the time we spend together, and the connections we make, near and far! These gifts create the long-term memories we share.
Energy is not the goal, mind you. Intention is. What is your intention when you exchange gifts? How might that intention influence your energy? As you might have guessed, you probably don’t have the same intention or energy for each person and gift.
Seeing Beyond
I can’t write about this without tying it back to the leadership journey. As I began reflecting on gift exchange traditions and energy, I began to think about how we see the true human gifts that we all bring, as leaders ourselves and of others. Here are a few that I’m focused on right now.
Through acceptance, I can support and foster growth. My approach centers on intentionally viewing people with an open mind and compassionate heart, patiently building trust through dedicated time and attention. This creates a space where others feel empowered to share their authentic gifts.
By letting go and recognizing judgment…. mine. When I catch myself labeling situations as right or wrong, good or bad, I will intentionally pause. Could there be another way to view this? Sometimes there isn't – and that's when I can choose thoughtful discernment over harsh judgment. I reflect on how I want others to experience our interactions, remembering that people carry with them not the details of what was said or done, but of how we made them feel.
Curiosity is one of humanity's shared gifts. It lives within of us, waiting to be embraced, heard and most of all allowed! How can I choose to channel this process? What everyday transformation have I overlooked through the lens of familiarity? What assumptions cloud my view? If I could see through fresh eyes or step into another's perspective, what new understanding might emerge?
Finally, what gifts do I want to attract myself and those around me? What gifts must be honed, grown, nurtured? If I ask myself how to use these gifts, what can I ask of those around me? How might another’s intention, acceptance, allowance, letting go, and curiosity foster not only my growth but those around us?
I am going to challenge myself to invite intentional gifts into my interactions with others. I encourage you to do the same! Think of the ripple the sharing of those gifts will bring all year long!
If you’re interested in a virtual event that will help you dig into enhancing your unique leadership journey, including your energy, gifts, and vision, check out my complimentary workshop Cultivate Your Leadership Rise. The next one is Friday, December 27th at noon and again in January. Join me! https://www.origincoaching.net/event-details/cultivate-your-rise-leadership-workshop
Note: About 10% of this post was written using AI support.